Understanding Vendo Model Numbers & Serial Numbers
When restoring or collecting antique Vendo Coca-Cola machines, it’s important to be able to determine the year and month of production. One of the most reliable ways to do this is by decoding the model number and serial number. Whether you’re tracking the history of a particular machine or verifying its authenticity, this page will guide you through how to interpret these key numbers.
How to Understand Vendo Model Numbers
Vendo machines are generally identified by a model number, which is often made up of two parts:
The Letter (V) – The letter “V” in the model number stands for Vendo, the manufacturer of the machine. All Vendo machines, regardless of type or size, will have this letter as part of the model number.
The Number (44) – The number following the letter usually refers to the capacity of the machine in terms of how many bottles it can hold. For example, in the model number V44, the “44” indicates that the machine holds 44 bottles.
This pattern helps you quickly determine the machine’s manufacturer and its capacity.
V44 = Vendo machine that holds 44 bottles.
V81 = Vendo machine that holds 81 bottles.
How to Decode Vendo Serial Numbers
The serial number of a Vendo machine is a unique identifier that provides more specific details, such as the year and month the machine was manufactured. Understanding this code can help collectors trace the history of their machine and ensure it’s a legitimate, correctly dated model.
A typical Vendo serial number consists of 8 digits, and the way it’s formatted is as follows:
First Number: This represents the year the machine was manufactured.
Second & Third Numbers: These represent the month the machine was manufactured.
Last Five Numbers: These are the unique serial number of the machine. They don’t affect the year or month but serve to uniquely identify each unit.
Example Serial Number: 21014601
Let’s break it down:
First Digit: 2
This indicates that the machine was made in 1952 (Vendo machines often use a coding system where “2” represents 1952, “3” represents 1953, and so on).
Second & Third Digits: 10
These indicate the month of production. In this case, 10 refers to October.
Remaining Digits: 14601
These are the unique serial number of the machine. These numbers do not affect the date but provide a unique identifier for this specific unit.
Thus, Serial Number 21014601 tells us that this Vendo machine was manufactured in October 1952 and has the serial number 14601.
Summary of Serial Number Format
Here’s a simple breakdown of how to decode the serial number:
First Digit = Year of Production
1 = 1951
2 = 1952
3 = 1953
4 = 1954
5 = 1955
6 = 1956
7 = 1957
8 = 1958
9 = 1959
0 = 1960
And so on…
Second & Third Digits = Month of Production
01 = January
02 = February
03 = March
04 = April
05 = May
06 = June
07 = July
08 = August
09 = September
10 = October
11 = November
12 = December
Last Five Digits = Unique Serial Number for the machine.
Additional Tips for Understanding Vendo Serial Numbers
Older Machines: Vendo machines manufactured before 1950 sometimes have slightly different formats. However, they still follow a basic pattern where the first digit refers to the year, and the second set of numbers refers to the month.
Production Changes: If you’re unsure about the year, be aware that Vendo’s serial number system evolved over time, and there may be slight variations in the number of digits used or how the year is represented. In some cases, the first digit might not directly correspond to the calendar year but rather an internal Vendo production coding system.
Model-Specific Variations: Some specific models or types of Vendo machines (like certain coin-operated models or rare variants) may have additional markings or codes. Always refer to the manufacturer’s documentation or consult a Vendo expert for clarification if your machine has unusual codes.
Decoding the serial number and model number of your Vendo Coca-Cola machine is an essential part of the restoration and collection process. By understanding how to interpret these numbers, you can learn the exact year and month of production, helping you verify the authenticity of your machine and track its history.
With the proper knowledge of the Vendo model number system and serial number format, you can more confidently restore, date, and appreciate the rich history of your vintage Coca-Cola machine.
Happy collecting!